Glossary: Maquette
1.Glossary: Maquette - Animation
Description:Definition: A maquette is a physical sculpture of an animation
design. The sculpture can be of a character or an object. Maquettes are
made using the character or ...
2.Maquette -
Description:maquette - a small sculpture of a creature or character, often
intricately detailed and painted to show the color and texture of the skin
or clothing.
3.What is a Maquette? - Animation
Description:Definition: A maquette is a physical model of an animated
character or object, often sculpted out of clay or molded plaster.
Maquettes are created based on character ...
4.Fine Art Glossary Term Maquette, Maguette Is Small Mock-Up of ...
Description:A maquette is a fine art term that refers to a small 3-D
mock-up of a sculpture or architectural project which is presented for a
competition, exhibition or other ...
5.maquette - definition of maquette by the Free Online ...
Description:Translations of maquette. maquette synonyms, maquette
antonyms. Information about maquette in the free online English dictionary
and encyclopedia. Printer Friendly.
6.Suspense Gloss (maquette) | Christmas Village Collectibles ...
Description:Suspense Gloss (maquette) Mill Creek Studios Imago. Stephen
Herrero 5″ High
7.Glossary of Terms | IT Services | Marquette University
Description:10/100BaseT Describes a device, such as a computer's network
interface card, that can support two kinds of network speeds: 10 megabits
per second and 100 megabits per ...
8.Maquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Description:A maquette (French word for scale model, sometimes referred to
by the Italian names plastico or modello) is a small scale model or rough
draft of an unfinished sculpture.
9.NEW IMAGO for 2008 - Northern Lights, gloss maquette
Description:Click photo for detail. Northern Lights, gloss maquette
Product # 048865 Model: 4274 Artist: Stephen Herrero Studio: Mill Creek
Studios: Description NEW IMAGO for 2008
10.Maquette & mock-up - Figurehead3D
Description:Typically a sculptor's preparatory model, or small 3
dimensional "sketch" used to rough out the design intentions prior to
embarking on developing the full ...
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